Our Mission
With people spending more and more time indoors, our mission is to bring people back to the natural world. We believe through connecting to nature, we connect to our true, authentic selves and to God. Showing up in the world with less stress, more joy, and a bright, beaming soul brings about confidence and a strong sense of self and purpose.
At the Beaming Light Nature Academy, we provide opportunities and experiences for people to get outdoors, move their bodies, all while having loads of fun! And meantime building long-lasting relationships, learning unique skills, and feeling a sense of belonging in the community. Together, we are stronger. ♡
Our Values
Building Community
Lasting Memories
Nature Connection
Awareness of the Self and Others
“We understand the brevity of life and the incomprehensible value of the currency called time. We may not have it all, but we live for it all, always.”
— Richie Norton, Author of Anti-Time Management